Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Article 2.2 Tbt Agreement

Publicado el 8/4/2021

3. Citizens of the parties to the dispute cannot be heard by a group of technical experts without the common agreement of the parties to the dispute, unless the panel considers that the need for scientific expertise cannot be met by other means. Government officials of the parties to the dispute are not allowed to sit in a panel of technical experts. Members of technical expert groups perform their individual duties and are not representatives of the government or representatives of an organization. Governments or organizations therefore do not instruct them on the issues in front of a group of technical experts. 10.7 When a member has reached an agreement with another country or country on issues related to technical regulations, standards or compliance assessment procedures that could have a significant impact on trade, at least one member of the agreement informs the other members, through the secretariat, of the food products covered by the agreement and a brief description of the agreement. Concerned members are invited to consult with other members on request to conclude similar agreements or to organize their participation in these agreements. 6.3 Members are encouraged to be willing, at the request of other members, to enter into negotiations for mutual recognition agreements on the results of mutual compliance assessment procedures. Members may require these agreements to meet the criteria set out in paragraph 1 and to satisfy each other`s opportunities to facilitate trade in the products concerned. 2.9.2 inform the other members, through the secretariat, of the by-products covered by the proposed technical regulation, as well as a brief indication of their purpose and justification. These notifications come at an appropriate stage, where changes can still be made and observations can be considered; 6.1.2 Limit acceptance of the results of the evaluation of compliance with the results produced by the organizations notified of the executive member. 3.4 Members do not take measures that require or encourage local or non-governmental authorities in their territory to act in a manner inconsistent with Article 2. The central government, its departments and departments, or any agency subject to headquarters control over the activities in question.

5.2.8 There is a procedure for reviewing complaints relating to the implementation of a compliance assessment procedure and encouraging corrective action when a complaint is warranted. 8.2 Members ensure that their central government bodies rely on compliance assessment procedures implemented by non-governmental organizations only if they comply with Articles 5 and 6, with the exception of the requirement to notify proposed compliance assessment procedures. I. At least once every six months, the standards body publishes a work program with its name and address, the standards it is currently developing and the standards it has adopted in the previous period. A standard is prepared from the time a decision on the development of a standard has been made until the adoption of that standard. The titles of certain draft standards are presented, on request, in English, French or Spanish.

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