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Shared Custody Agreement Template

Publicado el 26/12/2021

Divorces can be emotionally and mentally exhausting for all parties involved. When children are involved, the situation becomes even more complex. Determining custody arrangements can be challenging for parents, but a shared custody agreement template can help make the process smoother and more straightforward.

What is a shared custody agreement?

A shared custody agreement is a document that outlines the agreement between two parents on how they will share the care and responsibility of their children after a divorce or separation. The agreement covers various aspects, including the children`s daily schedules, holidays, vacations, and transportation arrangements between parents’ homes.

Why use a shared custody agreement template?

A shared custody agreement template can be a useful tool when drafting such a document. It saves time since the template already contains all the necessary information required in a custody agreement. Using a shared custody agreement template can also ensure that both parents` rights and responsibilities are considered and address any potential issues before becoming significant problems.

Things to consider when creating a shared custody agreement

Child custody is a serious matter. When creating a shared custody agreement, the following are crucial considerations:

1. The children`s best interests

The children`s best interests are always of paramount concern. When drafting a custody agreement, the needs of the children should be the primary consideration. Any agreement that does not reflect the children`s best interests will be challenged in court.

2. The parents` schedules

A shared custody agreement should reflect the parents` schedules, and each parent should be accommodated. The agreement should allow for flexibility to accommodate changes in schedules.

3. Holidays and vacations

The agreement should specify how holidays and vacations will be shared between the parents. Such schedules should be fair to each parent and should allow for the children to spend an equal amount of time with each parent.

4. Communication

Clear communication between the parents is necessary to ensure the children`s well-being. The agreement should outline the communication channels between the parents, including how often they will communicate and what form it will take.

5. Dispute resolution

Disputes can arise between parents after a custody agreement is reached. The agreement should outline how disputes will be resolved, such as through mediation or arbitration.

In conclusion, a shared custody agreement template can be a valuable tool in ensuring that both parents` rights and responsibilities are considered. It’s essential to remember that the agreement should be beneficial to the children, and addressing potential issues beforehand can make for a smoother and more peaceful transition. It’s always advisable to consult with an experienced family attorney to ensure that your agreement is legally sound and aligned with your state`s laws.

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