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Vfa Executive Agreement

Publicado el 10/4/2022

The VFA Executive Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) is an agreement between the Philippines and the United States that outlines the legal status of U.S. military personnel who are temporarily stationed in the Philippines. This agreement has been in place since 1998 and has been the subject of much controversy in recent years.

On February 11, 2020, the Philippine government officially terminated the VFA with the United States. However, the agreement remained in force until August 9, 2020, when it was suspended.

In June 2021, the Philippine government announced that it had reached a new executive agreement with the United States that would allow for increased defense cooperation between the two countries. This new agreement is known as the VFA Executive Agreement.

What is the VFA Executive Agreement?

The VFA Executive Agreement is a new agreement between the Philippines and the United States that replaces the original VFA. It was signed by Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on July 30, 2021.

The new agreement is designed to strengthen the defense cooperation between the two countries and enhance their ability to respond to shared security challenges. It includes provisions on the temporary entry of U.S. military personnel into the Philippines, the status and treatment of these personnel, and the transfer of equipment and supplies.

What are the key provisions of the VFA Executive Agreement?

The VFA Executive Agreement includes several key provisions, including:

1. Temporary entry of U.S. military personnel: The agreement allows for the temporary entry of U.S. military personnel into the Philippines for joint training and exercises, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations, and other mutually agreed activities.

2. Status and treatment of U.S. military personnel: The agreement outlines the legal status of U.S. military personnel while they are in the Philippines, including their immunity from criminal jurisdiction and their obligation to respect Philippine laws and regulations.

3. Transfer of equipment and supplies: The agreement allows for the transfer of equipment and supplies between the two countries for defense cooperation and security assistance purposes.

4. Termination and suspension: The agreement includes provisions for termination and suspension, similar to those in the original VFA.

What are the implications of the VFA Executive Agreement?

The VFA Executive Agreement is an important development in the defense cooperation between the Philippines and the United States. It is expected to enhance their ability to respond to shared security challenges, such as the territorial disputes in the South China Sea and the threat of terrorism.

However, the agreement is also likely to face opposition from some sectors in the Philippines who view it as a violation of the country`s sovereignty. It remains to be seen how this opposition will impact the implementation of the agreement.


The VFA Executive Agreement is a new agreement between the Philippines and the United States that replaces the original VFA. It is designed to strengthen their defense cooperation and enhance their ability to respond to shared security challenges. While it is an important development, it is also likely to face opposition from some sectors in the Philippines. Its implementation will be closely watched in the coming months.

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