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What Did The Addis Ababa Agreement Do

Publicado el 15/4/2021

Even before the official end of the agreement, the civil war between the South and the North had resumed with even more savages than before. Since the signing of the Addis Ababa Agreement in 1972, there have been sporadic uprisings in the South, but they were quickly suppressed. In May 1983, however, a military battalion stationed in Bor, led by Colonel John Garang of Mabior, resounded in the bush. The rebels had been disillusioned by Nimeiri and his government, dotted with corruption and disregarding the countries of the South. Led by Garang, the ranks of the Bor garrison, which had taken refuge in Ethiopia, were soon swollen by disgruntled southern states, determined to remedy their abuses by force of arms under the banner of the Sudan People`s Liberation Army (SPLA) and its political wing, the Sudan People`s Liberation Movement (SPLM). In 1971, the South Sudanese rebels, formerly composed of several independent commandos, were brought together under the leadership of General Joseph Lagu, who, under his leadership, united both anya Nya`s combat units and their political wing, the South Sudan Liberation Movement (SSLM). In 1971, as General Lagu`s representative, the SSLM spoke with the Sudanese government on proposals for regional autonomy and cessation of hostilities. These discussions culminated in the signing of the Addis Ababa Agreement on 27 February 1972. The agreement ended 17 years of conflict between Anya Nya and the Sudanese army and launched autonomy for the southern region, which was no longer to be divided between the three provinces of Al-Istiw`iyyah (Equatoria), Baar al-Ghazel and A`l al-Nel (Upper Nile).

The affairs of the region would be controlled by a separate legislative and executive body and Anya Nya`s soldiers would be integrated into the Sudanese army and police. The Addis Ababa agreement brought Nimeiri prestige abroad and popularity in his own country. … signed the Addis Ababa Agreement on 27 February 1972. The agreement ended 17 years of conflict between Anya Nya and the Sudanese army and launched autonomy for the southern region, which is no longer in the three provinces of Al-Istiw`iyyah (Equatoria), Baar al-Ghazl and… Although these projects were laudable in their design, their poor implementation plunged Sudan into a serious economic crisis in 1980. Few projects have been completed on time and those that have never met their production targets. The steady decline in Sudan`s output from 1977 has left the country in a cycle of rising debt, high inflation and a steady decline in living standards. Page 268 Note 1 Omdurman Radio Broadcast, November 2, 1974. Page 251 Note 4 For a study on institution building in Sudan, see Niblock, Timothy C., “A New Political System in Sudan,” in African Affairs (London), 73, 293, 10 1974, p. 408-18. Page 266 Note 4 The appointment of General Abbas has been interpreted in various ways as part of Nimeiri`s ongoing efforts.

to find those and reach consensus among those who, in the past, have a number of policies, i.e. “Arabists,” or as an attempt to “educate” real or potential criticism of the government`s Afro-Arab policy. Meanwhile, South Sudanese rebels had reorganized. Previously composed of several independent commandos, they were assembled in 1971 under the leadership of General Joseph Lagu, who, under his authority, brought together both the combat units of Anya Nya and his political wing, South Sudan… Page 254 Note 1 Bechtold, Peter K., `New Attempts at Arab Cooperation: the Federation of Arab Republics, 1971-?`, in Middle East Journal (Washington), XXVII, 2, Spring 1973, p.

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