Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

Area Pacientes Ir a Area Medicina

Billboard License Agreement

Publicado el 8/4/2021

By advertising, publishing or otherwise publishing the user`s content on or on the website, you grant the company a non-exclusive, sub-conceded, global, fully paid, paid and free license for the use of your user content (including, but not limited to modification, public execution, public display, reproduction and dissemination of such user content) in all media that are now known or that does not include any payment to you or to a third party. , to host, index, store, distribute and mark user content to third parties, including other users, for use on other known or developed media or platforms below, such as. B for use on mobile phones or in video, music or software programs. You retain all ownership rights to your user content and you have the right to use your user content in any way, subject to these Terms and the License described here. You guarantee and guarantee that you own and use user content that you have transmitted, posted, published or posted on the site, and that you have the right to grant the license as well as the advertising, publication or publication of user content you have transmitted and for their use, which does not violate and violate privacy rights. , advertising rights, copyrights, trademark rights. , patents, contractual rights or other intellectual property rights or other rights of a natural or legal person. Regardless of the above, you also understand and accept that you have no ownership rights over an account you have with us, or any other access to the Site or the functions it contains. The Company may terminate your account at any time and without notice and remove any user content related to your account, including and without restriction if the Company believes that you have violated these Terms, the Act or any other reason. The applicant`s arguments are not available. The type of transfer of control and absolute possession is what distinguishes a lease agreement from a licence, while a licence means the use or occupation of the lessor`s premises, a lease agreement grants the tenant exclusive possession of designated land, subject to the rights expressly reserved by the lessor. The first is resilient at will and for no reason. The decisive question in determining the existence of a tenancy agreement is whether exclusive control of the premises has been transferred to the tenant.

From time to time, we can update this website and these conditions. Your use of this site, after making changes to these conditions, constitutes your consent to these changes. You agree to check these conditions regularly to make sure you are familiar with the latest version. The Company may, at its sole discretion and at any time, terminate or suspend part of this website, with or without prior announcement, or prevent you from using this site with or without prior notification. You agree that you have no rights to this site and that the entity will not hire you if this site ceases or your ability to access the site or content that you may have posted on the site, for any reason, be terminated. In this case, it is an alleged illegal assignment of an outdoor advertising agreement by defendant Metro to defendant 860 Sign. The agreement, which was originally between the complainant and Metro, was awarded by Metro to 860 signatures for $1.6 million. In the appeal proceedings, the applicant argues that, although it has been characterized as a “sublease”, the agreement is in fact an undeleed licence agreement, which is legally ineligible or, alternatively, that the applicant is entitled to a portion of the transfer tax. According to the relevant standard, the clear language of the disputed agreement shows that the agreement is a lease agreement and not a licence.

Importante: Los logos, botones y banners, son auspicio directo y en completo beneficio de la administración, mantención y hosting, de esta página web.

Licencia Creative Commons
Hipertension Pulmonar Chile de Ramlight Studio está bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivadas 3.0 Unported.
Hipertensión Pulmonar Chile - Algunos derechos reservados - Sitio desarrollado por Ramlight Studio con RL Website Engine v2.0 y Wordpress.