Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

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Pledgor Agreement Meaning

Publicado el 11/4/2021

A collateral is a collateral that entrusts the creditor (the pawnbroker) with ownership of the property belonging to a creditor (the underwriter) to ensure the repayment of certain debts or obligations and in the mutual interest of both parties. [1] [2] The term is also used to refer to the property that constitutes security. [3] The directive is a kind of safety interest. SECTION 3. Security of commitments. The securitys thus constituted in the pledged security are a permanent guarantee for all the following obligations, whether they exist now or below (together the “commitments”), that all commitments and commitments (primary, secondary, direct, contingent, single, common or multiple) are due or payable, or which, now or in the future, may be the subject of a contractual or acquisition agreement or may be acquired as a result of Pledgor, including, but not limited to, all obligations arising from this agreement, obligations and any other instrument, agreement or other document that is exported and/or delivered in connection with it or with it, in any event, whether it is now or subsequently voluntary or not , direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, liquidated or not liquidated, regardless of whether or not they are jointly due to others, whether they are established or born from time to time, and that all or part of these commitments or commitments are settled, to the extent that all or part of that payment is avoided or recovered directly or indirectly by one of the wishes as a preference, fraudulent transfer or otherwise, since such obligations may be modified, supplemented, converted, renewed or modified from time to time. Without limiting the universality of the above, the term “bonds” includes, among other things, the principle and interest of the bonds and loans granted under these loans; (ii) all other royalties, allowances, costs, obligations and debts of the Pledgor, from time to time, under this agreement, obligations and any other instrument, agreement or other document that are exported and/or delivered in connection with the latter; and (iii) all amounts (including, but not limited to the interest in the petition) for the advance to be paid, but for the fact that the obligation to pay these sums is unenforceable or unleased due to the existence of a bankruptcy, restructuring or similar procedure with the Pledgor. The main difference between Roman and English law is that certain things (for example. B clothing, furniture and floor-to-work instruments) could not be mortgaged under Roman law, while there are no restrictions under English law. In the event of collateral, a particular property is transferred to the pawnbroker, which is sufficient to maintain an action against a criminal, but the property, that is, the property subject to the deposit, remains a pawn. [3] CONSIDERING that a precondition for the loan is that Pledgor grant a guarantee agreement on the commitment and granting of a security quota of 3,646,166 shares of Signature Industries Limited, a limited company created under the Laws of England and Wales (“Signature”) wholly owned by Pledgor and the 100% Destron Fearing Corporation (ordinary shares mortgaged from the signature, the “Pledged Shares”), in accordance with the Zuf Annex.

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