Hipertension Pulmonar Chile

Area Pacientes Ir a Area Medicina

Research Subaward Agreement Amendment

Publicado el 11/4/2021

For sub-price changes, the proposed amendment is used, which corresponds to the type of initial contract (e.g.B. federal funds, federal funds, FEDERALly funded FAR or non-federal funding). A checklist of additional terms and conditions that institutions may wish to include as sub-premiums to foreign companies. The University of Illinois system can assign a subaward to a subcontractor to perform a portion of the work volume as part of a distinction for a sponsored project. When subcontracting, the system assumes responsibility for controlling the subcontractor`s programmatic and financial activities throughout the subcontractor`s life, including, but not limited to, the determination of subcontractors against contractors, the evaluation of the subcontractor`s performance and compliance with the contracting contracting conditions. The lead investigator is responsible for confirming that the sub-receiver is performing the allocated volume of work and all costs are reasonable and consistent with the terms of the distinction. This subaward sample was created to assist in the issuance of fixed-rate subawards to registration offices as part of NIH-funded clinical/clinical research studies. Please note that this example should only be changed if required by your NIH price. An outgoing sub-prime is a formal written agreement between the IU and a sub-receiver to make part of your work return as part of an IU-sponsored award. An outgoing subaward is written and negotiated by the Office of Research Administration (ORA) sub-price team. Example of subcontracting.

Recommended use: outsourcing under a federal contract (or with a revision, a non-federal agreement). The ORA sub-price team issues and manages subawards in accordance with IU policies and procedures, applicable sponsorship rules and the terms of the main premium. The requirement to modify the Subaward must then be sent to OSP via the sponsored project portal. A sub-price transfers funds from a sponsored premium to another organization for that other organization to deliver goods or services or programmatic work to Indiana University.

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